
Today U.S. Senators Deb Fischer (R-NE) and Pete Ricketts (R-NE), and U.S. Reps. Don Bacon (R-NE-02), Mike Flood (R-NE-01) and Adrian Smith (R-NE-03) announced that the U.S. Air Force intends to activate a new wing at Offutt Air Force Base, as part of the Air Force’s reorganization effort to prepare for emerging security challenges faced by the United States.

This new organization will be designated the 95th Wing and will be a subordinate unit of the Air Force Global Strike Command.  The mission of the 95th Wing will focus on strategic command and control and will be comprised of the 595th Command & Control Group (595 CACG) at Offutt AFB, NE; the (Air Force Reserve Command) 610th Command & Control Squadron (610 CACS) at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ; and the (Air National Guard) 253 Command & Control Group (253 CACG) at Wyoming ANGB, WY.  With the establishment of the new wing, Offutt AFB is projected to gain an additional 70 personnel in the near term.

“It speaks volumes that Offutt is the Air Force’s installation of choice for the new 95th Wing. Nebraska is the center of gravity for nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) missions, and we are proud of our indispensable role in America’s national defense,” said Sen. Fischer.

“Today’s decision reinforces the critical role Offutt Air Force Base plays in ensuring a credible strategic deterrent against existing and emerging threats posed by adversaries like the PRC and Russia. I look forward to welcoming the women and men who will call Omaha, Nebraska home as part of this newly activated unit,” said Sen. Ricketts.

“This decision represents the culmination of years of work by the Air Force and the congressional defense committees to ensure the United States is fully prepared to deter and defeat any adversary who threatens our national security,” said Rep. Bacon, member of the HASC Strategic Forces Subcommittee. “Omaha Nebraska is the right location for this new capability, and we will be prepared to do everything necessary to ensure the success of these Airmen in defending the nation. Nuclear command and control is our competitive advantage and a natural mission for Offutt Air Force Base.”

“For a century, Offutt Air Force Base has been a pivotal part of our Armed Forces and their mission to protect the safety and security of America. The decision to activate the 95th Wing at Offutt is great news. This will not only add a mission to the base but will also continue to create more opportunities in Bellevue and the greater Omaha area. Thank you to the Air Force for their ongoing commitment to Offutt and Sarpy County, and we look forward to continuing to grow together in the years to come,” said Rep. Flood.

“This expansion of capabilities at Offutt affirms Nebraska’s leadership in national security and air defense,” said Rep. Smith. “Modern war technologies make defense readiness and command efficiencies more critical than ever before. The activation of the 95th Wing will serve to strengthen American military effectiveness and is aligned with the standout record of service in our state.”

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