
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, announced today that she secured over $45 million for critical Nebraska transportation priorities in the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. 

The bill, which must still be voted upon by the Senate and House, was advanced last Thursdayby the Senate Appropriations Committee in a unanimous, bipartisan vote as a first key step. 

“I’m committed to ensuring Nebraska communities receive the resources needed to keep our transportation systems up to date. The committee’s vote is a crucial first step. Infrastructure has always enjoyed bipartisan support here in the Senate, and this year’s legislation builds on that consensus — providing critical funding to strengthen our nation’s roads, bridges, highways, and water infrastructure,” said Senator Fischer.

The Transportation-HUD legislation prioritizes safety and includes increases for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to hire air traffic controllers, and funding to enhance rail safety. It also includes Senator Fischer’s language to improve the federal government’s vehicle safety testing practices, specifically around crash test dummies. It would also ensure the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is submitting data to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Broadband Funding Map in compliance with Senator Fischer’s provision in the bipartisan infrastructure law.

Last Thursday, the Senate Appropriations Committee also approved the FY2024 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies bill, including a Fischer provision to advance nuclear modernization.

Additional details on the provisions secured by Senator Fischer are listed below:

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act: 

Nebraska Bill Highlights

Nebraska Department of Transportation

Project Name: Heartland Expressway Four Lane Expansion

Project Description: Expand the existing two-lane highway to a four-lane expressway.

Project Location: Scotts Bluff and Morrill Counties, NE

Appropriated Amount: $12,865,000


City of Ogallala


Project Name: Ogallala Airport Runway Reconstruction

Project Description: Reconstruct pavement of the runaway and replace lighting and visual approach aids.

Project Location: Ogallala, NE

Appropriated Amount: $6,570,00


Airport Authority of the County of Scotts Bluff


Project Name: Western Nebraska Regional Airport Taxiway Extension

Project Description: Extend the taxiway to improve safety operation.

Project Location: Scottsbluff, NE

Appropriated Amount: $3,500,000


City of Kearney


Project Name: Kearney Regional Airport Terminal Apron Rehabilitation

Project Description: Reconstruct critical portions of the Kearney Regional Airport apron and rehabilitate public use areas of the apron to maintain access to hangars and service other airport tenants.

Project Location: Kearney, NE

Appropriated Amount: $4,950,000


Hall County Airport Authority


Project Name: Hall County Airport Authority Snow Removal Equipment Building

Project Description: Construct a snow removal equipment building

Project Location: Grand Island, NE

Appropriated Amount: $3,150,000


Chadron Volunteer Fire Department


Project Name: Chadron Fire District New Ladder Truck

Project Description: Replace a 25-year-old 75 foot ladder truck with a new 100 foot ladder truck.

Project Location: Chadron, NE

Appropriated Amount: $1,400,000


North Platte Airport Authority


Project Name: North Platte Airport Authority Passenger Terminal Replacement

Project Description: Construct and replace the airport's passenger terminal.

Project Location: North Platte, NE

Appropriated Amount: $7,000,000

City of Beatrice


Project Name: Beatrice Municipal Airport Hangar Upgrade

Project Description: Construct a new hangar.

Project Location: Beatrice, NE

Appropriated Amount: $2,850,000


Jefferson County


Project Name: Jefferson County Roadway Reconstruction

Project Description: Rehabilitate 7 miles of roadway in Jefferson County

Project Location: Jefferson County, NE

Appropriated Amount: $1,500,000


Airport Authority of the City of Omaha


Project Name: Eppley Airfield Terminal Modernization and Federal Inspection Services Facility

Project Description: Construct a new Federal Inspection Service facility that would allow security screening operations to facilitate international aircraft and passenger arrivals.

Project Location: Omaha, NE

Appropriated Amount:  $1,865,000


Additional Measures: 

Senator Fischer also secured language for:

  • FAA Regulatory Process Improvements       
    • Directs the FAA to improve timeliness and transparency to their regulatory review process, given the current regulatory approval backlog
  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot Program (SDAP) — No Inward Facing Cameras
    • Prevents funding for inward facing cameras for FMCSA’s Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot Program
  • FMCSA SDAP — No Registered Apprenticeship Requirement
    • Prevents a requirement that motor carriers be approved for the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Registered Apprenticeship Program to participate in FMCSA SDAP
  • New Car Assessment Program
    • Directs the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to adopt crash test technology for both male and female drivers
  • FAA Processing
    • Asks the FAA to dedicate resources to clearing Part 135 certification backlog
  • U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R)
    • Supports funding for the deployment of resiliency technologies that prevent unwanted interference and provide resilient backup
  • FCC’s Broadband Deployment Locations Map
    • Requires the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide an update for the Broadband Deployment Locations Map
  • USDOT Cybersecurity
    • Requires USDOT to include cyber security, and positioning, navigation, and timing services (PNT) as part of the standard Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) language


Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act:


Nebraska Bill Highlights


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Project Name: Lower Missouri Basin-Nemaha and Atchinson Counties

Project Description: Conduct a feasibility study in the Lower Missouri River near the Cooper Nuclear Station

Nebraska Stakeholder: Nebraska Department of Natural Resources District

Project Location: Nemaha County, NE

Appropriated Amount: $500,000


 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Project Name: Papillion Creek Basin, Omaha NE

Project Description: Construct two flood control reservoirs

Nebraska Stakeholder: Papio Missouri Natural Resources District

Project Location: Sarpy County and Douglas County, NE

Appropriated Amount: $400,000


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Project Name: Offutt Ditch Pump Station

Project Description: Construct a stormwater pump station to protect Offutt AFB

Nebraska Stakeholder: Papio Missouri Natural Resources District

Project Location: Sarpy County, NE

Appropriated Amount: $200,000


Additional Measures:

Senator Fischer also secured language that:

  • Provides $35 million for the development of the nuclear-armed sea-launched cruise missile (SLCM) warhead program
    • The Biden administration has tried to cancel this program and did not include any funding for SLCM in its FY24 budget request


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