Jun 11 2019
Fischer Travels with President Trump to Nebraska, Iowa for Year-Round E-15 Sale Announcement
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, joined President Donald Trump, USDA Secretary Perdue, and EPA Administrator Wheeler for the official announcement allowing year-round E-15 sales. Fischer accompanied President Trump on Air Force One, which landed at Offutt Air Force Base, and then travelled to Council Bluffs, Iowa, for the announcement.
“I want to thank President Trump for making the year-round sale of E-15 a reality for farmers and ethanol producers in the Heartland. It was exciting to travel with the president and deliver this great news with him. This change is something I’ve long pushed for because it will create economic opportunities for hardworking men and women in Nebraska and across rural America,” said Senator Fischer.
Senator Fischer has long been an advocate for the year-round sale of E-15 and was a lead sponsor of the bipartisan Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act. It would have allowed retailers across the country to sell E-15 and other higher-ethanol/gasoline fuel blends year-round, increasing regulatory certainty and eliminating confusion at the pump.
Nebraska is ranked second in the nation in biofuel production and has 25 operating ethanol plants across the state. These plants produce more than 2 billion gallons of renewable fuel annually and have created more than 1,300 good-paying jobs.