Fischer Legislation to Improve Passenger Vehicle Safety Passes Commerce Committee

“Today, women are 17 percent more likely to be killed in auto crashes than men. That tragic statistic is a preventable one. Our bill will update crash test dummy standards to reflect the diversity of drivers on our roads, ensuring protection and safety for more Americans. I’m grateful a bipartisan group of my colleagues voted yes on this commonsense legislation, and I look forward to getting it passed soon,” said Senator Fischer.

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Fischer, King Reintroduce Legislation to Help America’s Working Families

“America’s working families drive our economy forward and strengthen our communities. They shouldn’t have to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for their loved ones. That’s why Senator King and I passed the first-ever nationwide paid family leave law. Now, we need to make our legislation permanent and expand access to ensure that even more businesses can provide paid family leave to the workers who keep them running. I’m determined to get this key legislation included in whatever tax package Congress considers this year,” said Senator Fischer.

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Fischer Announces Appropriations Subcommittee Appointments

"For the past two years, my position on the Appropriations Committee has given Nebraska a seat at the table in allocating precious taxpayer dollars. These key subcommittee appointments for the 119th Congress will give Nebraskans continued input into the programs and agencies that directly impact our state. Particularly as a member of the Agriculture and Military Construction subcommittees, I look forward to advocating for Nebraska’s number one industry and our critical military facilities like Offutt Air Force Base," said Senator Fischer.

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Fischer Introduces Legislation to Fight Freight Fraud

“We cannot allow bad actors in the shipping and moving industry to violate consumer trust and harm our nation’s supply chain. Our bipartisan, bicameral legislation will give the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration the tools they need to hold these thieves accountable. I look forward to working with my colleagues in both the House and the Senate to get our bill signed into law,” said Senator Fischer.

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Fischer Statement on Coach John Cook’s Retirement

“John Cook’s impact on Nebraska volleyball will be felt for generations. As head coach for 25 years, he elevated the program to national prominence and helped shape the future of women’s sports. Thank you, Coach Cook, and congratulations on an incredible career," said Senator Fischer.

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Fischer Questions Howard Lutnick at Confirmation Hearing

"If confirmed, you will lead a massive federal agency across 13 bureaus. And to start with, I want to highlight one that you've already heard of—the NTIA. It has critical influence over the U.S. economy and over our security, as well. Among its roles . . . NTIA coordinates spectrum management, ensuring that federal airwaves are being used most effectively. But, as spectrum becomes more scarce, critical federal operations, especially those essential for our national security, have been seen as obstacles. At the onset, I want to make it clear to you that DOD airwaves are not lying dormant and that proposals to clear them would jeopardize our national security," said Senator Fischer.

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