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Our world today is often a confused, distracted place. Yet, some simple, knowable truths still shine through, like sunlight through dreary skies. Just as no knowledge of physics is needed to enjoy that warmth, no special training or advanced degree is necessary for us to access these truths. They are available to everyone.
The right to life is one of these truths. Recently, an estimated tens of thousands poured into our nation’s capital to give witness to it. They came from every corner of our country, journeying by car, bus, train, and plane. No matter how they traveled, they all came to walk.
They came to march.
The annual March for Life is one of our country’s largest and most peaceful public demonstrations. The event has long been an expression of hope and healing in the face of pain and loss. Every year, it draws attention to pro-life, pro-women policies. It also reminds us that all life is precious.
Throughout my public service, I have worked to advance commonsense, pro-life measures that offer compassion for women and unborn children in difficult situations.
Far too many women experience despair, pain, and judgment during an unplanned pregnancy. We must offer these expectant mothers our encouragement and love. Their difficulties are never beyond our power to help.
Nebraskans know this well. Our state was the first in America to pass a 20-week abortion ban. As a state senator in the Unicameral, I supported the measure. It passed by an overwhelming, bipartisan vote: 44 to 5. This is astounding. Pro-life and pro-choice senators came together to support this bill. They did it because it was good policy. More importantly, they did it because it was the right thing to do.
As a U.S. senator, I have strived to bring that same compassion and sound policy to women and their children nationwide. In the 114th Congress, I was an original cosponsor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This bill would ensure that the policy Nebraska has adopted at the state level is adopted at the federal level.
When it comes to women’s health, I am a strong supporter of community health centers. In Nebraska, we have seven federally qualified health centers and 40 clinic sites that have served more than 75,000 people. Last year, I had the opportunity to visit one of these centers: the Charles Drew Medical Clinic in Omaha. I saw firsthand the comprehensive, compassionate care they provide.
America was founded on the cornerstone that all human beings are created equal. The dignity of every human person is woven into our very identity. Put simply, Americans believe that everyone matters, that each human person is unique and irreplaceable.
Thank you for your participation in our democratic process. I look forward to visiting with you again next week.
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